Friday, August 04, 2006

I Wanna Holiday!!!

Whoaaaa. akhirnya, berblogging jua diriku ini. hehehehe. cant get myself a time to blog at work. so hafta wait till i go home n hit the keyboard with my brotha nagging around askin when can he use the blardy lembab-penuh-berjasa-tapir-punya pc. akekekekeke. haih. i hafta apologise to a few ppl here. firstly, i heard the gang is planning to go sumwer for some vacation lar. i would probably give them a redlight. so, to geri, i'm so sorry. any plans to go abroad (abroad la sangat!), say spore ka, tganu ka, kk ka, i can't follow. to fifie, i'm so sorry i haf to let go the redang trip. to boy, maybe some other time we go for a shark hunting at perhentian island ya? hehehe. thanks ppl for asking. at least u've asked even tho u guys know my answer is a no no. i'm so sorry. gotta save hell loads of cash. well i'm so glad la u guys ask kan? thanks for understanding the situation. errkh but hey, i haf a big plan coming up in 2008.

so, for those of u who dunno, me n jimmy are planning on a big tour. yes, a big tour. we r planning to go visit the whole of Australia. then, from australia, say if cukup budget, we gonna go to new zealand, pastuh, pegi plak ke benua europe. all this insyaAllah gonna happen by early 2008. indonesia was also in the list but since the tsunamis n earth quakes, we tot batalling that country. so, for all of u who wanna make this happen for us, any kinds of donation are welcome. akekekekek. tak kirela sumbangan dari segi baju sejuk, muffler, wang ringgit, bantal busuk dan wangi, rollies(dis is for jimmy), motivations, electrical appliances (huh!?) dan bermacam2 lagi. hehehehe. so, by dec 2007, sesape yg nak order stuff, silalah compile bermula dari sekarang. if lambat, i'll ignore ur orders by then. akekekeke. banyak gile plan. but slowly catching up la with the saving.

things to look at now is the mutha hp ipaq rw 6828. i'm soooooo eager to buy it now. tapi, kene tahan dulu, cos of the price. by end this yr, i hope the price will go down. pastuh leh beli same ngan jimmy. the holiday thing, memang i'm gonna make it happen. sbb jimmy nih die nak memper'lompat'kan lagi die nye distro ke luar. akekekek. n summore, wanna pay a visit to my aunt kat aussie n uncle in uk. urgh, bestnye. how long will i be on leave pulak ar? hmm, say 1 n a half months? izzit enuff? tak cukup kot. so, kene tgk gak baper cuti aku kene potong for the trip. aaaaaa bestnye bile pikir pasal holiday. pastuh nak shopping, n then sight seeing, aaaaaa mcm2 la nak buat.

i was at bistro just now with jimmy, having a lite lepaking n yumcha-ing. n then, came boy n yeap!? whoaa he's back from melbourne. akekekeke. he looks abit different. put on weight, brought minah saleh girlfriend. hehehe, we talked, nagged, sighed, bout stuff. n later after dat i headed home, they went to unclogged to catch some bands performing tonite. dis sunday at titan pun ade gig. i'm sooo going sebab dah lameee sangat tak pegi gig. i hope there will be no rush ke raid ke sebab ari senin nak keje. adeh. owh, talkin bout work, it has been 2 weeks dah nanie started work kat inspedia. she got complained bout work a lil, but now she's following the workflow. hehehe, biase la, aku mase memule start keje pun complain. babble bout how i had to finish stuff fast, how to mix around with ofc buddies, felt so alien with the ofc scene n the worst part is, to stay awake in front of the monitor 930-6pm 6 days a week. urgh, sbb before that i worked with dis company advertising which requires me to go jalan2 search for clients to sell the so called mini signboard. hehehe. takpe nanie, aku akan sparekan 1 pagi dalam seminggu utk bfast ngan hang. nanti ade stitch leh pi ronda2. akekekeek. can't wait to meet stitch back after 2 yrs. owh, stitch is nanie punye scooter. the reason why i call it stitch is bcos her scooter got a 3d pop out picture of stitch. cool huh!? ehehehe.

oklaa geng, thanks for stay tuning to this blog of mine. dah lame tak letak pix. so, nih pic of me n jimmy yg aku suke la. see ya

ma-wee-yar *her dark mind speaks...*


Blogger Nanie said...

huhu..!!! cam best je trip nak g aussie,uk..yg wat ako teruja new zealand! (lord of the ring wat kat siTUUuuuUUuuu..!!) ako pon terpaksa say no to fifi gak... baru start keje laa katakan..! crita psl stitch nampak! huhu..! esok ako bwk dr melaka...nanti ako bwk hang pusing2...pehtu kita sesat sama2...(sbab ako xto jalan..)...ako pong baru je meng-blog kan diri td..! khuahahahah... ako nak wat blog kat opis x privacy sungguh...mereka smua begitu mesra dan berlegar2 di ruang internet...wat ako rasa gelisah nak online lama2...khauhahahahah...! anyway,thanxxxx a lotttttssssss...! makasey ya mariyakkkk!!!!

1:15 AM  
Blogger maerya said...

akekekekek. ofc mmg payah sikit nak berblogging these days. makin banyak keje, so takdak time nak spare utk diary seorang lelaki nih. akekekek. i mean, perempuan. hehehe. aku harap time nih ko take a rest, sbb baru pasa eksiden. take care sistah!

10:51 PM  

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