Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Road Trip Pt2

Tuesday, 18 July 2006
I'm on halfday leave today cos need to fetch uncle from australia at 2pm, then send nanie to interview. i got a call at 12pm from another uncle saying dat i no need to go klia to pick him up, they will pick him at sentral pulak. aiyerk! so takpela. in the morning i send nanie to inspedia at kelana square, then at 1230 i pick her up. so, since no need to go klia, then we headed str8 to bank n mid valley for lunch. yg bestnye, jim finish all his case n join us at mid valley. we walk, then talk bout the interviews nanie went. then i was thinkin, if she passes the interview, then haf to search for house by now. kak lina wanted to get a house nearby her working place which is in cyberjaya. means, she wants pj n subang area. then me, nanie and tita hit the road to kota damansara.

kota damansara haf a lot of empty houses. so we browse around, look see look see, call, then theres this house is for rent for rm500. weeeeeee! so we chow pegi the curve pulak. then on the way, nanie dpt miss call from inspedia. yikes!!!! bile sampai the curve, nanie ask me to pretend to be her n speak to the guy on the phone. rupenye, she got the job!!!!!!!!! wooo hooooooo!!!!! aku suker gile time tuh, sebab die dok sini nanti. senang sgt nak jumpe. so the searching house mission is worth it lar. then nanie update kak lina n her mom at the curve. pastuh we bla plak pegi anta tita at lrt kelana jaya.

yg best nye, nak celebrate nye pasal, we makan dinner kat seoul bulgogi pakai duit yg aku simpan utk diorg yg mmg aku plan nak blanjer sejak dr dulu lagi. yg kurang bestnye is roy takde nak celebrate kegembiraan nih.


so, thats what happened yesterday. sbb ape aku letak title as road trip, is becos when nanie n roy come down from melaka, means its a road trip. hehehehe, tp pas nih, road trip nih applies to roy je la kot. so, later after werk i'm gonna browse for more house for rent for nanie n kak lina. disini aku nak ckp yg aku akan tolak semua interview2 utk aku sebab aku nak keje dekat ngan nanie, pastuh aku nak naik skuter stitch die. wooo hooooo!!!!! pastuh nanti leh race ngan keta kancil aku. pastuh leh pi lunch same. yeargh!!!!!! best, aku nampak cahaye nanie. tu....tu.....kat situ.......!

maerya *her dark mind speaks...*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very happy when my frens are happy. Anyway....aku pon tak sabar gak nak nani koje kat sini...nnt aku updat blog aku eh...tapi kali ako cam citer sedih skit arr....jeng jeng jeng......
k lah....keep up the updateing werk maweya.....

11:01 AM  
Blogger Nanie said...

ko nampak cahayeeee..??? di situuu ? ako pon juakkkk....!!! ko nampak cahaye tak? khuaahhahahahah...! chist..! itu memory mmg best...waktu malam...g class...tgk lampu malap...wahhh...ako paling x suka g latihan teater malam2...meletihkan....syok hafaling all the dialog in the script though! khauhahahahahhah...! stitch tu akak ako x kasi bwk lagi...nanti2 baru bley bwk...tunggu ako hafal jalan....uhuk! uhuk! nanti ako bwk helmet spare...utk kita ronda2 kotaraya area yg agak asing bg ako...nak blaja jalan plak...khauhahahahah ..! thankkkkiuuuuuu kamu smuaakkk...!

p/s: inspedia start keje kol 9 am abih kol 6 pm...awal 30 minit dr tempat kerja mu mariossss...!!!

1:28 AM  
Blogger Dhani said...

hai awak. apa kabar? :). maria. promote GOBLOG beb kat kawan2 ko. suruh diorang beli. cakap ada tulisan aku kat dalam tu. hehe. :P

10:06 PM  
Blogger maerya said...

yes, we haf to support each other. aku memang perlukan kawan2 cam korg. huargh, misi seterusnya nak tarik roy masuk pj, bukan kl tp pj. muahahahahha, aku anti kl la sbb tiap2 kali turun kl mesti sesat. bengang gue. aku suker pj,damansara, uptown, kelana jaya fo-shoooooooooo (nanie bitau aku dtg dr akak lina yang ngajor, akekekeke)

ya elok pun jgn bawak dulu. kene tgk style org kat sini pandu baru leh bawak la aku rase. sbb depa pandu dengan ganehnye, agak bahaye. start kol 9am eh? takde masalah! kalu hang turun lrt area kol 755 ke 8 lebey, leh pi saji bfast dulu, then anto hang pi work. aku mmg pemegang rekod masuk keje awal. before 9 aku dah ade kat ofc, so takde problemnye laaaaaa! hehehe. wokeh, helmet 1 extra order!

hello faisal! its been awhile ko bagi aku comments. hehehe, thanx for visiting again. goblog ya? boleh dpt kat gig next week tak? will u be there at titans next week? aku booking 1 kay!? thanx bro!

12:31 AM  
Blogger maerya said...

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12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested or and

9:33 AM  

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