Friday, July 07, 2006

Bla Bla Bla

Hello ppl. it's 8.49am and i'm already at werk. dis is a very cool week. as usual la, every morning je ngantok gile, then, waiting for the clock to strike at 6pm. hehehehe. owh, yest me n jim planned to go williams after werk. we kinda plan it out with rose. but rose got sumthin goin on. so, jim fetched me at around 645pm then we hit the road. on the way, suddenly jimmy tukar plan pulak. he wanted to go parade n makan at fridays. n i was like "hmm, ok lar". the traffic wass bluuekh! jammed everywhere n his car overheated la sikit but not so bad. i was terribly worried if the car suddenly stop ke or berasap kan. then i istighfar banyak2 n just concentrate on the jam. akekekekek.

we reached fridays subang. tgi fridays subang had this renovation, including the whole mall itself. they wanted to change the interior fully. now dah tinggal sikit, but still ade renos here and there la. we ordered our food, and melantak dengan cara gorilla melahap ketam batu kat amazon. akekekeek. memang mase tuh lapa tahap gaban. aku pedulik ape org nak kater kitorg kurang adap ke ape kan. tp bab makan, table manners aku teruk sikit. jheheheheh. bagi aku, org yg makan kat hotel dengan care senyap tuh adalah org yg munafik. org yang tokley terime diri die memang tokley makan senyap2. akekekekeke. after abis 1 third of the food, we decided to tapau the rest. aku tatau lak 3 course meal rm39.90 tuh alot. pastuh aku mengade2 order 3 for all. hek eleeee, memang pelahap gile la time tuh sbb lapa. tp bile dah makan halfway, tak abis lak. ehehehehe

i haf 10 bday/wish list. here it is:

1. To earn Rm2k this yr
2. Sony Ericsson W800i
3. HP Ipaq
4. Gucci Fly shades (kalau ciplak nye pun takpela, janji bentuk die cam lalat, aku namekan spek nih spek lalat)
5. Go to Brisbane, Australia
6. Nerds candy
7. Spongebob Squarepants stuff
8. News shoes (Ori Nike, Adidas-adicolor, Reebok or Puma)
9. Adidas handbag
10. No Stress/Pressure

ishk, thats quite alot. actually ade lagi. these are the only things i can think of now. maybe later, it will not be 10 wish lists. it would probably be 50 wish lists. akekekekeke. okla, thats all for today.

p/s : i dunno why i cant upload pix from my own folder. T_T

maerya *her dark mind speaks*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyway...aku pun lapo gak pas balik dari keje...tapi takdelah pelahap cam korang berdua.Nie mesti makan bace Bismillah separuh nih...baru jer sebut Bismi....dah melantak dah yer....
tapi tulah...aku takleh nak imaginelah kalo ko ngn Jimmi kawin...cuba ko sendiri bayagkan...mase time makan beradab,korang melantak mcm korang melantak kat Friday's tuh...fuih...tak dapat dibayangkan

5:43 PM  
Blogger Nanie said...

mariu...list beday...ako bley kasi list no.10 ...mau mengila ilang pedoman ngak? khuahahhahha...! tp ako mmg kat otel tu smua munafiq! makan secara sunyi.. makan x kasi org kecek le makan la sunyi2...

p/s:roy cadangkan tido umah hang... wa x kesah... mana mudah wa go je... so,ada kesusahan dan kesulitan ngak di situ..?

3:03 AM  
Blogger maerya said...

whoaaa!!! best best. dtg umah tido umah aku weh! kalu jadik, aku nak bli ayam, nak wat bbq cam dulu. boleh la naniu blleh? pastuh ajak akak hang skalik. bleh la eh? hehehehe. aku nak wishlist no.10 tuh hujung minggu nih. woohoo!

anonymous - what can i say, AKU PUNYE SUKE LA AKU NAK BUAT APE! muahahahahahahahah

11:27 AM  
Blogger LMF said...

erm.. aku pun nak beli w800 ni..
the wish list nombor satu tu rasanya takde masalah bagi maria

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ala mario...x ley p umah mu la tido...ada penukaran plan lagi... huhuhu...shoo shorrrryyyy... tido umah kak ako kita jumpa jua nanti yah..!!!

3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yawn.. ngantuknye.. tak dapat pikir comment kurang ajar nak comment kat hang le.. ade ke nak beli sony ericson .. bosan zzzz... beli la inflatable dolly ke, playbog mag ke

kucen the cat

3:39 AM  

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