Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday The 13th = My Burfday!

it was a looooongg day yesterday. i wasnt feeling good since yest morning. disebabkan kepercayaan karut dan munafik yang teramat tinggi terhadap friday the 13th. a day before i went buka puasa with nanie at wills. thats her 1st time there. we talked, laughed, then tak bestnye sebab she had to continue work. so kene la send her to kantor. on the way in the car she said "eh esok hang nye bday.." "eh, hang ingat eh? hehehe" "heheheeh" sampai her kantor, we did the usual tradition kau-pekabar thing. hehehehe, n dat nite, went to watch john fucker woopss john tucker must die at summit. so, on the friday the 13th, i started my car, drove to work, praying nuthin bad is gonna happen. n then, there goes everyone at work wishing me a burfday wishes. hehehe, it wasnt so bad lar. got a few little surprises. started off with lavonne gave sms asking me to go down n meet her up. went down, look at the left n right, there she was in the car. went to her, she yelled "happy burfday!" "naahh here u go!" "hoh?? whats this??? owhhhhhh a card." "heeh, yar. n 1 more thing" "eh, oh my goodness! its a spongebob magnetic thingy!" "cool!" "thanks lavoonne" n went up with the gifts. opened the card, its a lovely card lar. okie. then continued work.

around 3 to 4 sumthin, ade la ah neh nih dtg. since my view kene blocked with a huge cpu kat depan, i cuden see sape org tuh n bawak ape. then, i heard them yelling "fuihyooooooo! mariaaaaa!!" i wasnt paying attention to the ah neh, but i knew there was sumbody sending sumthin. then when i stood up, i saw a big bouquet of 12 pink roses in that ah neh's hand. tibe2 aku rase cam darah sume naik kat muke. hehehe, lmf pun ckp "merah mukeee". i was like "huihhhh tak penah2 ade org bagi bunge kat aku!" "hantu raye mane yg bagi nih!?!?" akekekekekkeke. it was unexpected gifts laa kan. dats why terkeluar mcm tuh. then my boss also bising2 bout the flowers. then all of them were looking at me. heheheh, i signed the DO, open the card i looked, aaawwwwww it was from geri. i read it halfway, cos i was so dizzy, dizzy sebab dis week kene attacked by stupid flu. then, my eyes started leak. akekekeke, sebab sedih kan. i tot no body remembers. as in, me myself pun tanak ingat my own bday n i dunno why.

so, went back to my seat n continue work. i felt bad la cos its my bday n m rushing for deadlines. i didnt get to enjoy the whole day by myself. i was feeling weak sebab demam n flu, then, balik lambat sebab all i can think of is the deadline. itu je yg aku pikir, lepas settle nih dah leh joli dah. moreover, raya is just around the corner. every single day i think of my grandma. tah la, dis yr punye raye, kalu aku ade wish, the only thing dat i wish for is to meet my arwah grandma. aku tanak pegi kubur die. sebab kat sane ramai sangat 'kawan' yang tengok. i know its ramadhan and all the hantus n ghosts kene locked up. but then, the eary feeling memang exists. tah lar, dis yr emo terlebey lak. hehehe. may god bless her n put her dikalangan org2 yang beriman.
al fatihah.

owh, tak habis lagi the surprises tuh sebenarnye. hehehee, when i was kusyuk doing my work, i started to think "eh, apsal takde kek ar?" "dorg tak ingat bday aku ke?" "eh, ko pikir bday ko best sgt ke maria sampai ade org nak ingat!? bla la" "agaknye sebab bulan pose kot?" hehehe. aku nih terlebey pikir sebenarnya sampai tibe2 veron came to me with a bday cake. erkh! yang kelakar skali, she put 44 CANDLES! uwakekekekekekekekekekekekeekekkekekeekekeke. nih mmg joke of the bday lar. then lmf said "oihhh!?!? maria is dat old mehh?!?!!" "takkan 44 yrs old!?!?!" veron cover malu with laughters. uwakekekekeke. that was sweet veron 'smile. sang bday song, blew the 24 candles, cutted the cake n gave to all in the ofc. even though i was rushing for deadlines, at least ade gak selingan dalam life aku yang buat aku happy dalam time2 busy tuh. thanks everyone for making this happened. appreciate all the gifts. thanks for the enjoyable moments, the laughter, the time, everything lar.

okla, gotta get supper at williams soon. so see ya around peeps!


Blogger Nanie said...

busday busday ada lilin 44?..haaaa..! bley simpan wat lilin pabila blackout gitu..(gituuuuuu.....???) khuahhahahaha..!!! ko pe kaba? sakit dah juak..! btol aritu hang ckap skit tekak...skang suda demam dan sah pasat jelebu punya hat..!! haih..itu kalimantan kasi timbus saja ....kasi baka baka kasi ini maleysia manyiak yaaawwwwwww...!!!

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday again.
Your birthday pressie from here on the way hehehe.
Take care craazy gurl.

10:48 AM  
Blogger maerya said...

muahahahha, tenkiuk tenkiuk for the wishes lin. yerlah nanie, jerebu teruk gile skang nih. aku tiap2 pagi nak mengharungi jalan pun semput2 sebab tak bukek aircond. huhu. nanti kite lepak same lagi nak? sian hang stayback ari2. disini aku nak ucapkan selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin to all!

9:06 AM  

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