S`kali Dengan Fatima's Wedding
the interviewees & the interviewers
the 1st impression when i looked at them was T_T. eheheheheh, they were hilarious tahap cipan liar mengular kat amazon. akekekekek, so, snap here n there, naaahh... the pix of me, brian and natalie together with the troops. i was havin cramps dat day so brian helped me with pix taking. here's the pix.
Ashraf Weds Fatima
When she told me bout the occasion, i was shocked. so, 1st tak confirmed. then confirmed, 23rd of may 2006 is the date to be remembered by my new mualaf sistah geri aka fatima. after she converted to islam, aku rase happy. pastuh rase cam pelik sebab before i've never had any girl friends who convert before, except for phandi n my long lost friend firdaus la.
when the occasion mula by the tok kadi, i was panicking around sbb bile dtg bab2 marriage nih aku rase berderau sangat darah jatuh. bukan pasal period, tapi memang ade rase cam nak muntah la, pastuh nak kentut pun ade, berak tuh takyah ckp la kan. akeekkekekekek. when i see ashraf reading the syarat2, aku plak rase cam nak nangis. then i look at jimmy. hmmm, agak2 bape kali la die lafaz nikah nanti ek. akekekekekeek. after the whole occasion habis, we enjoyed the food. its the yummy beriani gum n mutton curry. walaaaa! dessert plak ade cake from their close friends.
i guess action speaks louder than words. so, enjoy the pix yah!?
the girls & the pengantin tok kadi, saksi, ashraf & kittfatima & ashraf
p/s: most of the pix i've uploaded in my fotopic.net. nak tengok gambor2 aku menghilariouskan kenduri kahwen org sambil membuat aksi baboon mengintai badak, dipersilakan ke sini
maerya *and her dark mind speaks...*
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