Friday, February 10, 2006

To Hell With Fascist!

Mode : Depressed, Demotivated

Aku rasa sungguh tak bergune smalam. okla, this time punye post, aku akan campur adukkan english n malay. pade yg tak paham melayu aku,aku pedulik ape. nih blog aku, aku nye suke arrrr aku nak buat ape! akekekekekekek.

Smalam, when i was waiting for jimmy to fetch me at the ofc. running thru all emails, deleting unwanted emails, while the big guy is still around in the ofc. aku boleh recall memang aku takde ape2 pending email yg perlu aku untuk menjawab. so, nak dekat kol 7pm dah. then , that big guy suddenly came to me n ask if i haf anything to give to him. ruupenye die ckp, yg kononnye aku utang die sumthin, its like i didnt answer to his email by 4pm. aku dig punye dig, takde lak. rupenye nak suh aku detect mistakes kat issue baru yg kami terime. ape hall!!!!! kenape aku sorg yg kene buat bende nih!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!???!!? just because i haf to wait for jimmy to come, doesnt mean dat i am the sooo frakkin happy staying late at the ofc just to get my frakkin work done (walaupun time tuh mmg takde ape pun nak buat)

arrghhhh! aku tanak buat bende yg aku tak patut buat!!! kenape aku!?!?!?!? kenape every month pun akuuu!!?!?!!?!!??!?!?!! heyy! tau tak, disebabkan tekanan yg bertubi2 nih laaa yang membuatkan aku jadi gileeeee!!!!!?!?!?! ko tau tak aku ade penyakit gilee!?!?!!??! arrgghhhh!!!! bodoh ke ape?!?! aku tau aku kurang pandaii, tapi tindakan memfire bertubi2 nih laaaa yg unacceptable, paham tak!?!?! UNACCEPTABLE!!!!!!! macam maneee baikkkk punnn ko nak buatt ngan akuu, aku dah takleyy terimeeee, to helll u fascistt!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!! fascist!!!!!!!!

maria *darker mind always speaks*


Blogger Veron said...

relax maerya...relax...=)

10:53 AM  

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