Awesome Vacation!!!
after all the hassle we gone thru (transport,ppl),finally the trip was a success! thanks to everybody who make it to CH (cameron highlands) n also thanks to the ppl who didnt make it, the supporters, petrol pump assistant, tollgate girl. ok, so, dat 31st nite, i din go watch any fireworks as i haf to drive the next morning to ch.
1 jan 06
woke up at 410am, wake jim up, mandi, pack, we hit the road to vk's place at 5am. waited at vk's place till 6am n we head to mohsin (not in CH yet, dis is in TTDI). had bfast n at 7am we hit the highway!
sampai at around 1045am, cannot check in yet, so we went to the bank, had a slow walk up to the hotel, jalan2, then only can masuk to the room. tapi, the problem belum mula lagi. problem? did i say problem? akekekeke, yeah, petrol n toll problem. pastuh, after all the calculation,allocation, we headed to our rooms. yeahh!
at around 230pm, me n jimmy went down to get sumthin to eat. while watching the gang (vk, kelvin, kah seng, pei pei) play cards, we had pancakes for lunch. then after that to the tea plantation. we really had fun at the plantation. walked all the way down to the man made river aka drain. took a few silly milly pictures, watching the view from the plantation, breathing the fresh air then we went for a tea n cakes (brownies with ice cream + carrot cake)
after that, we went str8 to hotel. lepak2, take a nap, lepas tuh we went to brinchang to get dinner pulak n jalan2 at the nite market. since the gang wants to eat steamboat (god! cold weather is the best time to makan steamboat!), me n jim went to secret recipe. me had lasagne n jim had grilled chicken sumthin sumthin :P yummeyyy! then we balik to hotel.
2 jan 06
that morning suppose to go see sunrise at gunung brinchang. after all the adventure of getting up there, we saw there's a sign saying road to gunung brinchang closed. sigh! then we went to bala's chalet to get bfast (except me n jimmy, we didnt bring enuff cash n still mengantok to eat bfast, we just jalan2 around the chalet). they had scwned! (pronouns like pwned with the scone added to the front part,ngehngehngeh!) n tea, then we chow to the hotel n wake the others up (vk n gang who didnt join us to the morning outtings).
when reached the hotel, the gunung brinchang gang took a nap. i woke up at 930am, shower,wake jim up to get bfast at the hotel. joined vk n gang for bfast, they play cards sampai gaduh2 (akekeke), then we packed stuff to check out (uwaaaaa!). all of them nak pegi beli sayur. ashraf dunno wer to get fresh veges, they asked me how to get there. i'm like "err, i dunt really recall the road le" . tapi sebab dah banyak kali pegi cameron, i just lead them to the morning market. hehe. sukses!
1st stop is the multicorpse (actually multicrops). some of them bought cactis n jim bought pettunia for boy's mom (buah tangan for them cos bagi jimmy allowance sebab tolong pindah rumah the other day! hoho!). 2nd stop is the morning market. sebab dah tak morning dat time (3pm),banyak stalls dah tutup tapi still ade fresh stuff. jim bought veges gile banyak for ibu n boy's mom, strawberries, mangoes, strawberry chocs, lepas tuh balik.
haih. wish it cud be more than 2 days trip. tapi me n jimmy really had alot of fun. minus all the bruises n lebams n lenguhs n penats. hehehehe. thanxs to all the ppl who made the trip a success!
here some pix during the stay kat sane. enjoyerss!
Maerya *Dark Mind Speaks*
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