Tuesday, January 09, 2007

a day after gotten engage...

jimmy & mua (can u believe the girl in tudung is me??? maria??? asmarianna??? Abdul Rahman's first daughter???)

hmmm, how to get started ey? owh ok. 070107 memang no yg amat 'ong'. sebabnye aku dah bertunang dengan seorang makhluk Allah yang diberi nama mohd azmi bin mohd ghouse or nama manje yg kami memang panggil jimmy. hehehehe, berdebar, excited, nervous, butterflies gliding on my tummy, ape lagi? whatever keluarga dalam kategori nervous tuh la yg ade kat dlm hati aku. it was all good. i managed to get some of my buddies at work to come, my college frens, my high school fren (sorang je wakil) and the whole family also were there.
Kak Alina, Nanie, Roy & mua (anak kepada Abdul Rahman, cucu of Sulaiman Bulon, akkekekekek)

nanie, roy n kak alina came at 10am, they chilled, lepak until 10.25am i ajaked them to go upstairs. that time, we were all waiting for geri to come sebab she wanna help me wit makeups n stuff. owh kak alina helped with tudung. everyone asked n were surprised that i was wearing tudung. fully covered. requested by jimmy's mom, so kene la ikot. my beloved mother had a big ass laugh when looking at me preparing n siaping with the tudung. urgh! she is always like dat, sebab kononnye i look silly wearing tudung, not i feel stupid when i speak malay. hek hek hek. so at around 11am geri, meisu n adl (n spouse masing2) came. luckily the guy side delay, if not, memang by 1130am as planned tuh tak sempat la nak siap ape sume kan. so, make ups, tudung all finish at around 1215pm.

around 1240pm baru jim's reps sume sampai, delay sebab cik wa die car breakdown. pity them. after they sampai, they mulakan the upacara dengan all the mukadimah. then they all went upstairs to get me, sarung cincin, salam n then selamat. so thats about it la. ramai gak from jim side yg dtg. around 15 to 20 cars. so plus my side is around 50-60 ppl. luckily the food is cukup. cos my mom ordered for only 100pax. rm10 sekepala n u get kari ikan tenggiri, ayam berempah, sambal udang masak petai, daging rendang, ikan masin (ikan masin ni tarik diri di saat2 akhir, so tak masuk hehehe), sirap oren, kuih dan ishk banyak lagi laa. if u guys nak cater, go to the carrefour subang parade, opposite the carrefour u can see theres this malay restaurant called man selera. memang sedap dan recommended.

okla, planning for the wedding on 080108. if everythings goes well, we shall do it dis yr. if budget tak cukup, stick to the 1st plan la. bukan ape, banyak woo nak kene prepare. heheheh. salary also ciput, savings pun tak cukup, family punye besar, so agak banyak gak nakkene prepare. hmm, okla. ppl who i have just got their numbers, pls keep in touch. thanks to the ppl who came yesterday, thanks for the cash (kaching kaching), thanks for the gifts, thanks for taking pix, n the best thanks is thanks for being there, appreciate it ppl!). haih, i think i shud practise my smiles la, too much of goofy act on cam ady, i cant get myself to be serious on cam, hiak hiak hiak!

p/s: brian, i need pix from ur cam. i wanna put up pix of me n geri n meisu n adele n whoever tangkap pix with me using ur cam, tenkiuk!

maerya *her dark mind speaks.*


Blogger Aviendha said...

Ria nak kawin, Ria nak kawin


3:32 PM  
Blogger Nanie said...

hOOooOOoo....saya suka pic dekat katil tuh....anggun anggun...!!! my fav.pict..!!!

9:51 PM  
Blogger maerya said...

yes lin, i'm getting married soon. tentatively now is before raya dis yr or early 2008. keep in touch!

hehehe, saya memang tau tuh fav pix awak nanie. eh nanie, esok mlm aku drop by umah hang insyallah, tgk dulu camne aku pun tak sure agi sebab esok pas keje nak pi cathay nak survey barang hantaran. nanti ape2 hal aku call k800i (chewahhhhh dah pakai cam phone tangkap gamba tenis siot!!) :P

11:03 AM  
Blogger *** said...

ummm.. manis maria pki tudung... ayu... (tiba2 back ground lagu ayu kuar)

10:57 AM  
Blogger maerya said...

yeah ony, just like what my inlaws wanted. hehehe. ayu ke? was trying my best to not monkeying around that day. heheheh

10:28 PM  
Blogger syik s. said...

congratz! am i the last one to know this happy news?

5:34 PM  

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