I came, I saw, I Conquer...
Last weekend, sunday 12 november 2006 i was in BSC(Bangsar Shopping Center). came at about 1240pm sampai laaa petang pukul 740pm. actually, was helping this My Sci Fi Fan lar. they tak cukup talent utk dress up in a costume character. so the bosses approached me n veron. since veron pernah jadi Sid last time, so i tot why not just try stuff that i never done before. and summore its for the charity Rising Above Children. hehehe. had alot of fun, veron also. here's the pix....
aaawwwww, bestnye weekend aku. cume ade 1 bende yg mengacau hidup aku mase tuh. clown. aku phobia kat clown. phobia tahap gaban. serioussly phobia. so, dis clown saw us coming to the stage, he gave me a hug. dat time i cant reverse myself as scrat n garfield were behind me. yikes! so nak tanak, kene laaa pass by him. then he tepuk2 onto my chest. wth!?!?!? owh, he didnt know that a girl is in the costume. hehehehe. so funny. yest me went gym, terganggu perjalanan threadmill aku when theres this 2 guys were also jogging cum runnning beside me. urgh, pressure mendatang. oklaa, dis week most prolly i'll be goin to D&B, dunno yet. see if uncle jimmy wanna go *cross fingers*
see ya later alligator!
maerya *her dark mind speaks...*
nak tepuk atas dada jugak! huhuhu.:P
hoOOoo hoh hoh...!!!
mende yg best....ko bley menari di khalayak org ramai...tanpa memperdulikan segalanyaa...OOoh...indah nya doniaaa...!!!
nanti kalo ada pakai2 costume tuh...jikalao takda org...saya...saya rela...
hoh? betul nanie hang nak? sebab depa nak carik talent utk costume garfield sebab garfield punye costume agak besar dan memerlukan org yg tinggi utk pakai. okla, i'll put u in myscififan talent list ya? heheheheh
psst, dah update blog belom hang? :P
boley2...letak ja nama ako kat situ...mmg ako suka nak menari sana sini...sambil2 raba2 jejaka kacak...haaaa..!! ako dah masok contest cinema online secara online..!!! khauhahahahahah...!!! 2 contest lagi....jgn memain....
psssssttt...ako baru je update ako nye blog...huuu...huu...singgah la...pendek je...tak sempat nak bernafas..sedar2 dah abis baca...
erk.. nani gila sekss.. tewok ah nani.. umm.. maria.. nk gak pakai costume.. heheh (devil on top my head)
akekekekekek, ya ya, anda dibenarkan untuk memakai costume2 tersebut. n thanks ony for ur support in doing this bit in charity. haha, ok, nak pi intai blog naniu. daaaa
lol, so cute you and veron!
oh and babe, update my blogad, it's not aviendha.blogdrive anymore
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