Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Awwhhhh. i am now still at the ofc waiting for jimmy, alone! since i'm still in A Disaster After Valentine ii mood, i'm gonna review the whole(almost la) gig here. ok, actually we missed out a couple of bands cos of the weather (ujan gilerodix lebat mase the time we arrived). n then there's this band called Melastik Bintang. quite cun as far as i can remember.

The Mindless Show
then, if not mistaken later after dat we disajikan with The Mindless Show. OMG! this is like my kind of music. they played quite gilerodix which is i really loved it! then, they end it with a melodix kinda tune. this time the drummer sang along with the bassist while the lead is blasting the sound (drummer stop playing katenye, exhausted dah! hehehe).

QoQ (Quest Of Quasar)
suppose QoQ main before Mindless Show. tp sebab QoQ still not nuff bandmates, they had to play after Mindless Show. according to frens, they said this band (Mindless Show) was actually named Disgruntled. they tot if changing the name to another, they mite be a lil famous (nih statement bukan aku yg buat eh! bassist die yg ckp mase intro,heheh).

after Kidd has arrived, then only they perform. as we all know, drew was trying to finish his werk while the kids perform. mase nih, i was soooo impressed with how Kidd control the crowd. he was trying the very best to perform. but since the crowd is not into this kinda tune, everyone just stay put.
Can You Find Me In The Crowd Picture?
oh,jim's here already. i guess thats about it la. goin off soon, this is like 2 post in one day. what the heck man? so rajin to vlog!? akekekek. see ya ppls around! n keep on jumping!

*Pix Courtesy Of Ahmad Dhani (Papakerma)

maghia *Dark Mind Speaks...*


Blogger Dhani said...

oh n faisal, sorry i didnt bring my fren along :P- maira

kok kapan loe mahu ketemukan gue dengan jodoh gue nih? :P.hehe- dhani

12:25 AM  
Blogger Dhani said...

tgk blog aku. ada buku GIE. :D

1:05 PM  

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