Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I came, I saw, I Conquer...

Last weekend, sunday 12 november 2006 i was in BSC(Bangsar Shopping Center). came at about 1240pm sampai laaa petang pukul 740pm. actually, was helping this My Sci Fi Fan lar. they tak cukup talent utk dress up in a costume character. so the bosses approached me n veron. since veron pernah jadi Sid last time, so i tot why not just try stuff that i never done before. and summore its for the charity Rising Above Children. hehehe. had alot of fun, veron also. here's the pix....

Veron, Me & Vinsen & cute kid. hehehe....

Me with Veron...
Time to go get some psycho moments.

aaawwwww, bestnye weekend aku. cume ade 1 bende yg mengacau hidup aku mase tuh. clown. aku phobia kat clown. phobia tahap gaban. serioussly phobia. so, dis clown saw us coming to the stage, he gave me a hug. dat time i cant reverse myself as scrat n garfield were behind me. yikes! so nak tanak, kene laaa pass by him. then he tepuk2 onto my chest. wth!?!?!? owh, he didnt know that a girl is in the costume. hehehehe. so funny. yest me went gym, terganggu perjalanan threadmill aku when theres this 2 guys were also jogging cum runnning beside me. urgh, pressure mendatang. oklaa, dis week most prolly i'll be goin to D&B, dunno yet. see if uncle jimmy wanna go *cross fingers*

see ya later alligator!

maerya *her dark mind speaks...*

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Cherating, Jimmy's Bday and Laundry

hee haa. cherating was good. yang tak good is i was having pms T.T . huhu, we stayed in The Legend Hotel, Cherating, Kuantan. will upload photos later in this post. since we stay quite near to terengganu, mom n dad decided to give a visit to my grandpa n grandma in kemaman. man i tell u, ppl in terengganu were staring at me n mom. sebab mak aku rugged kan, tak pakai tudung, they gave her the damnnn blardy loong face n i felt like cucuking their mata. tapi that didnt bother me much lar. we stayed for 3 days, sunday, monday and tuesday.

on the 8 november, tot of giving jim a bday treat. brought him to Pizza Uno in Taipan, USJ10, subang jaya. we went in at 830pm. its been quite awhile since we makan fine dining. n we catched up stuff, think of the old memories back then. i ordered grilled salmon steak n he ordered lamb shank. 1/2 hr later, the food pun datang. so we eat. makan dan makan dan makan, tiba2 i discovered suatu rahsia di sebalik salmon yang telah dimakan sebanyak 15.23 potongan. akekekekek. as i flipped the piece, i saw there was 1 hair stucked out from the meat. HAIR?!?!?!?!?!? teng teng teng, jim was like "eh, janggut sape tuh?" "hehehe, salmon zaman skang dah ade bulu eh?" "tapi, ari tuh yang bunuh steve irwin ikan pari kan?" "camne plak steve irwin punye bulu ade kat salmon nih?" "owh maybe sebab ikan pari tuh share daging die kot" akekekekekekeke. ended up calling the girl n asked her to call the manager, in a good way lar. sebab aku bukan jenis customer yang suka mengamuk hentam kromo je. so manager pun datang, took my 1 quarter food away (no!!!). then she asked if i would like to get another plate, said i duwan cos too full ady. then she offered a complimentary dessert. yum yum, dessert pun ok la.

called for the bill, they only charged our food for rm41.26. eh??? apsal murah??? rupenye they didnt count the salmon berbulu tuh. owhhhhhhhhh, yay! perut kenyang, pay less. woo hoo! alhamdulillah, then we went home dengan hati yang gumbira dan perut yang buncit. sigh....

so on the 9th november, which is jimmy's bday, we went to Laundry. ajaked veron also since she left ofc quite late n she hasnt planned anything yet for that nite, including KS. arrived at around 830pm, waited for veron to come with KS, then we went to makan dinner at Paddington House Of Pancakes. makan2, then we headed to Laundry. sampai je, saw alang (Bittersweet drummer) with Aida (my school fren cum Oddity guitarist). biase laa, yada yada hey how are u long time no see things, then we sat outside. according to jim, the bands will start performing at 10pm. owh, the motive of going to Laundry is to see Bittersweet perform (excellent range n good music, blur crossover radiohead with ash touch tune, i think...) and also some other bands. they only started performing at 11sumthin, which is quite late. owh i forgot, besides aida, there were also our frens, boy for sure, man, rashid, rosey wosey, dila of Oddity, hmm who else was there ? tak ingat, but the stage area quite crowded la. i went in only when Bittersweet perform. they were very very good. sound tak pecah langsung, style is more like 60s 70s, i mean the outfit they wearing. ok, will mark in my calendar, every thursday is Laundry Day!

so, thats all la. still bz with work. sebab nak close the year of 2006. sigh, cepatnye. anyway, till the next post. daaa....!

maghia *her dark mind speaks...*

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Day 1 @ Celebrity Fitness

kekekeke. in previous post korang dah bace abit about CF kan? hmm, yesterday i went after work. as promised, i met my cousin ija at subang parade. so, we went in, then her trainer came n showed me how to use the blardy threadmill. why i say blardy? becos it is soooooo addicting!!!! akekekekekek. memang aku addicted to that machine yang name matsaleh die mcm mesin menjahit benang menggunakan bulu kambing. akekekekkeke. 30 mins on that thing with the speed of 5.8 the highest (sori aku tatau tgk bende counting die tuh) then heart rate aku cecah sampai 176. tuh dah melangkau rate untuk seorang yang age die 10thn. akekekekekeke. means tak sesuai la, pastuh turun je dr mesin tuh, aku dizzy gile, rase cam mabuk laut. then, we walked around to see what other machines yang boleh dimain. hehehe, rase cam kat taman permainan lak. its just dat the games in this park is for adults. hehehe.

went in at 650pm, came out at 8pm. agak lame laa siap teman ija berborak. the funny thing about her is, she didnt really workout, but she chats alot. like really alot. when we did the sit up thing, she was talking allll the way beside me while i was doing the crunching. nguahahahha, tapi best gak bile die ade. then, after we cabuted, the 1st place yg aku pegi bile kuar dr situ is TOYS"R"US!!!! weeeeeee! luckily i have dis 3 month thing at CF. after workout can go cuci mate. heheheh. ok, enuff about my yuppie yuppie day 1 at celeb fit. today insyaAllah after work i will make a date with my lovely mesin memintal benang menggunakan bulu kambing 'smile.

haaaaa, yest when i was doing work at ofc, suddenly ani came with this orange letter from the post. usually dis kind of orange or red letter or postcard u will get when u not in or the packaging is damage or sumthin. then at 1.30pm i went to collect the package. i knew its from lin as she told me she is sending me sumthin. but she din say what la. then on the orange postcard written my name as "Ria Da` Bomb". so, when i went to the serahan tingkap, the makcik was looking for my stuff, n she couldn't find it. and asked me to go to the main door for the pukal pukal punye surat (tempat nih pun aku tatau tempat ape tapi banyak laa surat). then, when i went in, there were a few of the postmen chillin n 1 guy in diff suit. so they approached asked what i want. i showed them the orange postcard, then, he was like "haaa, ria da bomb ye? nih laa kami nak kena pastikan apa yang terdapat dalam kandungan nih ye" he handed me 2 envelopes, 1 written bailah n veron's name n 1 was addressed to my name which is "Ria Da` Bomb". so, they babbled saying dat the package is quite weird n it was half ripped. i suspected that they were trying to opened it n peeped into it kot. sebab memang can see it was half opened lar.

then, bile diorang bebel, aku ade dgr laa one of them said the word 'bomb'. hoh?~! takkan lin kirim aku bomb buatan korea kot. atau die nak test power nuklear keluaran south korea kat aku. akekekekekeekekkeeek. best best! pastuh aku pun pelik laa n ckp "takkan laaa kawan sy nak bagi antrax ke, BOMB ke??!!?!!?!" "takde, kami nakkan kepastian ya takot benda2 yang kecil2 mcm nih boleh jadi besar" huk aloh, bih tuh korg nak tahan aku ke kat ISA??? so i opened the thing, and guess what!?!?!?! i took out a Scotchbrite Spongebob with a holder from the package!!!!!!!!!! NGUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. everyone was quite n i slowly said with a blur voice "err, nih nampak macam bomb ke!?!?!?!?!" dalam hati aku dah terkekekekekke gelak tak terkate. memang dis was the best of the best experience aku kat post office. terima kasih encik IP kerana bagi aku experience yang paling best, terima kasih encik2 posmen yang sedia menemani encik tuh jika terjadi apa2 kepada seluruh tempat tuh yg kononnye nak digegarkan aku dengan spongebob scotchbrite with a holder BOMB aku!!! uwakekekekkeekekekekeeke. kelakar siot. ape punye singkat la pemikiran orang2 post offfice kat msia nih. uwakekekekek.

so dats about it lar. celebrity fitness and my bomb. till then, haf a nice day ppl on earth!

maerya *and her dark mind speaks...*