Message 13
Boleh tak tlg tanye kat ibu duit hantaran brape. tlg aa sy nak budget ni.takpun anggaran pun takpe
12:09am 26-MAR-06
pergh. biar betik. sebelum ape2, baik aku mengucap dulu. astaghfirullahalazim! suddenly all this came from jimmy. akekekekeke, ade jugak org nak kawin ngan aku. woo hooo! so, last nite we had a talk at my place outside kat garage. huhu. there were a few arrangements has been made between him n his mom. yikes! ape nih! tibe2 je ade org nak kat aku. warrrghhh! tak rock ar. akekekekeke. so, this morning i bravely dial my mom's ofc number n read the msg to her. hehehehe. she said "rumah banglo sejibik, kereta mercedes benz 1, jambatan gantung bertatahkan emas dari Subang ke Banting." waklu laaa ibu. ibu gua pun rock gak mcm gua. aduih. aku rase cam nak bunuh diri je skang nih. pastuh aku rase cam jgn laa cepat sangat pukul 6pm. aku takmo balik. malu ar. kenape ye malu? sbb aku dah bitau kat ibu pasal aku n jimmy. mak datok! pelik laa feeling aku ari nih. akekekekek
this is like an epidemic dah. bile dgr org nak kawin, kiter pun terjangkit. adeh. pelik la. nih belum adik aku bace blog aku nih. sah sah kene gelak. uwakekekekekee. okla, tak reti dah ngarut lagi nih.
owh, faisal, i just got a website wer we can download GIE OST! yee haawww!
mim alif raw ya alif *and her dark mind always speaks...*